UPDATE 7.01.2013
We have good and bad news.
Someone with a lot of experience in taking care of paralyzed dogs has offered to give Sandy a forever home in the Netherlands, whenever she is ready to go.
On the other side, she has refused food since yesterday and has blood in her urine. She is still at the clinic, where she is given treatment, vitamins, anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic drugs. Tomorrow she is scheduled for an ecography to find out why she has blood in her urine.
From the moment she'll be able to leave the clinic, we are in desperate need of a FOSTER HOME for her, for about a month, until we are able to prepare her for her trip (vaccinations, paperwork etc).
Please SHARE so that we can find a foster home for her.
Also, if you wish to support her financially, please donate into one of ROBI Association's bank accounts, mentioned in the posts below.
Sandy thanks you for all your help and good thoughts!
UPDATE, 7.01.2013
Una calda, una rece.
Cineva cu experienta in ingrijirea cainilor paralizati s-a oferit s-o ia pe Sandy in Olanda, cand va fi gata de plecare.
Pe de alta parte, catelusa refuza de ieri sa manance si urineaza cu sange. Ea se afla in continuare la clinica si primeste tratament de sustinere, cu vitamine, medicamente antiinflamatoare si antihemoragice. Maine este programata pentru ecografie, pentru a vedea de ce urineaza cu sange. Speram din suflet sa nu fie ceva prea grav.
Din momentul in care va putea pleca de la clinica AVEM NEVOIE DE CAZARE TEMPORARA PENTRU EA in Bucuresti, pentru aproximativ o luna, cat ar dura pana termina schema de vaccinare si i se pot elibera actele pentru a fi trimisa in strainatate. Punem la dispozitie hrana si tot ce mai are nevoie in aceasta perioada.
Va rugam DISTRIBUITI, pentru a-i putea gasi cazare. Este esential.
De asemenea, daca doriti s-o sustineti financiar, puteti dona in conturile Asociatiei ROBI, mentionate in postarile de mai jos.
Sandy va multumeste pentru ajutor si pentru gandurile bune!
The news are among the worst. The female dog has her spine broken, the spinal bone marrow sectioned and recently started to urinate with blood. Theoretically she could live like this if an experienced person could take her permanently. Unfortunately we already have a paralyzed dog for many years and it is impossible to maintain another one. Tasha, our paralyzed dog, is now kept in a personal home and requires special care. We also have Life that is staying in the only possible location for this kind of situations. If nobody can adopte her in the following days (we can help in her case with food, medicine, absorbent bedding, cart) we sadly say she will be euthanized.
Today, on our roads, on The Bypass margin. We recently thought it is a big, dead, hit by the car dog, as many others. We approached to check, like we always do, and we saw she was alive. She stayed still, with the head near the decayed corps of another dog half bagged.
We thought she came to morn her friend, but no, she stayed there because she was seriously hit by a car, and had the spine bent in 2. She sat and suffered, god knows since when, with the back legs paralyzed, without crying, with an incredible faded look, trembling and dirty from her own feces.
All the way towards the vet she behave exemplary, scared but kind, with the same faded look.
When we arrived at the vet, at heat, she relaxed a little bit and accepted to eat.
Tomorrow we will find out the outcome of the X-ray and the investigations and we will know what her future will be.
We will keep you updated with news regarding the poor dog’ situation.
We remind you the account where you can donate if you want to help the saving actions of the endangered animals.:
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439
Cont RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
Or using the online service PayPal (available on )
Update : 5 01 2013
Vestile sunt cum nu se poate mai proaste. Catelusa are coloana rupta, maduva sectionata si mai nou urineaza cu sange. Teoretic ar putea trai si asa daca cineva cu experienta ar putea-o gazdui permanent. Din pacate noi mai avem o catelusa paralizata de multi ani si ne este imposibil sa mai intrtinem inca una. Tasha catelusa noastra paralizata este gazduita in locuinta proprie si necesita ingrijiri speciale. Il mai avem si Life care sta acum in singura locatie posibila pentru astfel de situatii. Daca nimeni nu se va oferi sa o adopte in urmatoarele zile, ( putem ajuta in cazul ei cu hrana, medicamente, paturici absorbante, carucior ), cu parere de rau va fi eutanasiata.
Astazi, pe drumurile noastre, pe marginea Soselei de Centura. Intai am crezut ca e un caine mare, mort, lovit de masina, ca atatia multi altii. Ne-am apropiat sa verificam, cum facem intotdeauna, si am vazut ca traia. Dar statea nemiscat, cu capul langa lesul in putrefactie al unui alt caine, pe jumatat bagat intr-un sac.
Am crezut intai ca venise sa-si planga prietenul, dar nu, statea acolo pentru ca si el era lovit de masina, grav, cu spinarea indoita in doua. Statea si suferea, cine stie de cat timp, cu picioarele din spate paralizate, fara sa planga, cu o privire incredibil de stinsa, tremurand si naclait in propriile-i excremente.
Pe drumul pana la cabinet s-a purtat exemplar, speriat dar bland, si cu acceasi privire stinsa.
Ajuns la cabinet, la caldura, s-a mai relaxat si a acceptat sa manance.
Maine vom afla rezultatul radiografiei si al investigatiilor si vom sti ce viitor are.
Va vom tine la curent cu situatia sarmanului catel.
Va reamintim contul in care puteti dona daca doriti sa ne sprijiniti actiunile de salvare a animalelor aflate in situatii limita:
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439
Cont RON: BCR 2 RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: BCR 2 RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD: BCR 2 RO32RNCB0073049952070004
sau prin serviciul online PayPal (disponibil pe )
marți, 8 ianuarie 2013
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