duminică, 20 ianuarie 2013

APEL pt.catelul Ghini aflat la VetMedical Consulting

Cazul lui Ghini a fost semnalat, dupa ce acesta fost atacat de o haita de caini (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=515880651776783&set=a.187912807906904.43460.100000645586844&type=1&theater). Pentru ca starea lui devenise critica (era afara in ploaie, letargic, refuzand hrana sau apa) si nimeni nu s-a oferit sa ajute, 3 voluntari ai Camerei au mers sa il ia, iar catelul a fost dus de urgenta la cabinetul. @AnaVet (Clinica & ambulanta veterinara). I s-au fac perfuzii si a stat ~2h pe oxigen. Desi era letargic si hipotermic cand a fost adus, in timpul tratamentului de urgenta temperatura i s-a ridicat de la 35.9°C (la venire) la 36.8°C. A fost ulterior cazat de una dintre voluntare peste noapte, iar starea lui s-a stabilizat si de dimineata deja avea o temperatura normala, de 38.3°C. De dimineata a ajuns din nou la cabinet pentru investigatii suplimentare. Ecografia abdominala a relevat faptul ca sufera de o heoragie splenica cu acumulare redusa de lichid si cu prezenta unui coagul aderent pe splina, probabil de pe urma muscaturilor. Ghini se afla acum la cabinetul Vet Medical Consulting unde va ramane cazat cel putin atata timp cat are nevoie de asistenta medicala. Ii este adinistrat un tratament perfuzabil pentru a il stabiliza, el fiind in continuare letargic si in stare de soc.
COstul interventiei de urgenta de aseara este de 150 lei. Cat timp se va afla sub tratament, costul cazarii + tratament va fi 55 lei/zi, in cazul in care nu intervin si alte complicatii. Apoi Ghini are nevoie de cazare temporara. Daca doriti sa ne sprijiniti cu achitarea datoriei la veterinar (150 lei + 55 lei/zi), o puteti face donand direct la cabinet VetMedical Consulting (Str. Zidurilor nr. 9, sect.2, L-V: 10 - 20, S: 10 - 18, D: 10 - 13) sau ne puteti trimite un email la: cameracupisici@gmail.com pentru mai multe detalii. Multumim anticipat pentru orice fel de ajutor!
Ghini's case was reported after he had been attacked by a pack of dogs (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=515880651776783&set=a.187912807906904.43460.100000645586844&type=1&theater). Because his condition became critical (he was outside in the rain, lethargic, refusing food or water) and no one offered to help, 3 of the Cat Room’s volunteers went to take him and the dog was rushed to AnaVet clinic. He was administered perfusions and has spent ~ 2h on oxygen. Although he was lethargic and hypothermic when he arrived at the clinic, during emergency treatment his body temperature raised from 35.9 ° C to 36.8 ° C. He was then sheltered by one of our volunteers overnight, his condition has stabilized and in the morning he already had a normal temperature of 38.3 ° C. In the morning he was taken back to the vet for further investigation. Abdominal ultrasound revealed that he suffers from splenic hemorrhage with reduced accumulation of fluid and the presence of the spleen adherent curd perhaps from being bit. Ghini is now admitted at @VetMedical Consulting , where he will remain as long as he needs treatment. He is receiving perfusion treatment to stabilize him, as he is still lethargic and in shock.
The cost of the emergency treatment last night was 150 RON. For as long as he will be under treatment, accommodation + treatment cost will be 55 RON / day if no other complications arise. Then Ghini will need temporary accommodation. If you wish to support us by paying the debt to the vet (150 RON + 55 RON / day), you can send us an email to: cameracupisici@gmail.com for more details. Thanks in advance for any help

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