Din cei 3 catelusi a mai ramas doar unul, cel din dreapta. Are nevoie de o familie pentru ca singur ii e mai greu sa infrunte primejdiile strazii.
Daca il puteti ajutava rugam sa trimiteti un e-mail la elisa_s_d@yahoo.com
In cursul zilei astazi, pentru cateva ore intr-un loc cald, intr-o casa... acum se afla la ecarisaj la Odai
Micuta a fost “recuperata” astazi din adapostul de la Odai! Are nevoie urgent de foster/adoptator! Va rugam sa distribuiti! Este urgent!
The little one has been “recovered” today from Odai! She needs urgently a foster or an adopter! Please share! It is urgent!
O pisicuta tigrata, frumoasa, iubitoare si tocatoare, de aproximativ 5-6 luni, salvata recent din frig, cu carnetel de sanatate si educata la litiera, va asteapta s-o adoptati!
Contact: aniela.aron@gmail.com
16 ianuarie 2013 se implineste o luna de cand in urma unui apel l-am
preluat pe Theo, un catel in stare grava care zacea de 2 zile in zapada
in urma unei hemoragii abundente provocata de tumori sticker. Theo se
afla inca internat la cabinetul Praxis Vetlife din Strada Vasile
Stroescu nr. 21 si tratamentul nu s-a terminat inca, saptamana aceasta
urmeaza sa primeaza ultima doza de citostatice dupa care va trebui sa
suporte o interventie pentru cauterizarea tumorilor care
nu s-au retras total in urma tratamentului cu citostatice. Costurile in
data de 11 ianuarie erau de 1285 lei iar donatiile primite pentru Theo
sunt in valoare de 710 lei pana in acest moment. La costurile din data
de 11 ianuarie se va adauga cazarea de 25 lei/ zi, macarea, ultima doza
de citostatice si interventia de cauterizare, estimam ca vor ajunge in
jurul valorii de 1700 lei.
Va rugam sa il ajutati pe Theo sa poata ramane internat cat este nevoie de tratament si sa ii putem asigura toate interventiile necesare. Donatiile se pot face fie direct la cabinetul Praxis Vetlife din Strada Vasile Stroescu nr. 21 unde se afla internat, fie in contul GIA - Group Initiative for Animals
Banca Transilvania - Sucursala Marriott, IBAN RON: RO69 BTRL 0640 1205 E803 48XX
IBAN EUR: RO44 BTRL 0640 4205 E803 48XX, SWIFT: BTRLRO22BB2
Paypal: office@gia-ro.org. Va multumim!
Tomorrow, January 16, 2013 it is a month since we answered to a emergency call about a dog in critical condition that was lying bleeding on the snow after few days of a bleeding caused by sticker tumors. Since then, Theo is still hospitalized at the cabinet Praxis Vetlife, and his treatment is not over yet, this week he is going to receive the last dose of chemotherapy and after that he will have to make a surgery to cauterize tumors that were not completely healed after treatment with chemotherapy. Costs on January 11 were 1285 lei (285 eur) and donations received for Theo until today January 15, are 710 lei (155 eur). To the costs from January 11 will be added accommodation of 25 lei / day, last dose of chemotherapy that will be done this week and surgery for cauterization, so total till the end we estimate that will reach around 1700 lei (around 377 eur).
Please help so Theo can remain at the vet clinic as long he needs the treatment and receive all necessary medication and interventions for the sticker tumors. Donations can be made either directly to the office Praxis Vetlife or on our account: GIA - Group Initiative for Animals, Banca Transilvania - Branch Marriott EUR IBAN: RO69 BTRL E803 0640 1205 48XX EUR IBAN: RO44 BTRL E803 0640 4205 48XX SWIFT: BTRLRO22BB2; Paypal: office@gia-ro.org. Thank you very much!
Va rugam sa il ajutati pe Theo sa poata ramane internat cat este nevoie de tratament si sa ii putem asigura toate interventiile necesare. Donatiile se pot face fie direct la cabinetul Praxis Vetlife din Strada Vasile Stroescu nr. 21 unde se afla internat, fie in contul GIA - Group Initiative for Animals
Banca Transilvania - Sucursala Marriott, IBAN RON: RO69 BTRL 0640 1205 E803 48XX
IBAN EUR: RO44 BTRL 0640 4205 E803 48XX, SWIFT: BTRLRO22BB2
Paypal: office@gia-ro.org. Va multumim!
Tomorrow, January 16, 2013 it is a month since we answered to a emergency call about a dog in critical condition that was lying bleeding on the snow after few days of a bleeding caused by sticker tumors. Since then, Theo is still hospitalized at the cabinet Praxis Vetlife, and his treatment is not over yet, this week he is going to receive the last dose of chemotherapy and after that he will have to make a surgery to cauterize tumors that were not completely healed after treatment with chemotherapy. Costs on January 11 were 1285 lei (285 eur) and donations received for Theo until today January 15, are 710 lei (155 eur). To the costs from January 11 will be added accommodation of 25 lei / day, last dose of chemotherapy that will be done this week and surgery for cauterization, so total till the end we estimate that will reach around 1700 lei (around 377 eur).
Please help so Theo can remain at the vet clinic as long he needs the treatment and receive all necessary medication and interventions for the sticker tumors. Donations can be made either directly to the office Praxis Vetlife or on our account: GIA - Group Initiative for Animals, Banca Transilvania - Branch Marriott EUR IBAN: RO69 BTRL E803 0640 1205 48XX EUR IBAN: RO44 BTRL E803 0640 4205 48XX SWIFT: BTRLRO22BB2; Paypal: office@gia-ro.org. Thank you very much!
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