Desperate appeal!
Dear friends, we need your help now more than ever! at the end of this year we are overwhelmed with debts at the veterinary practices that we work with. In total we owe 2840 euro (12565 lei) to: Praxis Vet, dr. Irina Corbu, Radius Vet, Turbovet, Onevet, AnaVet, Doctor's Vet Univers and a few other vets that we just go occasionally. These costs represent treatments, medical investigations, hospitalization, surgeries, medical assistance and care, medication for the animals in our care. You know them all from this page, you know their stories: Anastasia, Star, Casper, Lucy, Lassie, Ariel, Pepsi, Cola, Crispy, Babette, Sharpeiuta, Negrut, the 6 puppies taken by dog catchers as they were only 1 month old, the two sisters rescued from the train station, dogs rescued in Buzau spay campaign, the cats in the tree... Some of them are still with us, some of them are healed but some still need medical care. Some were adopted, while unfortunately some left this world...
At this moment we simply cannot take any more dogs or cats in our care, we cannot bring them to the vet, till we manage to pay our debts.
The costs do not stop here, because we also have monthly costs necessary for taking care of the dogs in the adoption center: rent, people, utilities.
The expenses are too much for us and we cannot handle them anymore, that is why we desperately ask for your help! Any donation counts, any small gesture, any help is huge. If you know companies that would like to sponsor, or if you can help us organize a fundraising event, we depend on you!
Donations can be done directly to the vet practices mentioned above, with note "For Red Panda animals", but please let us know also.
Or you can donate in the Red Panda bank account, with the note for medical expenses.
Asociatia Red Panda, CIF:29856924
IBAN: RO72 PIRB 4237 7350 1300 1000 Piraeus Bank
We are grateful and we thank you for your help, please help us get through this tough moment, so that we can keep on helping as many dogs and cats as possible to have a happy life.
We are here for you for any details, you can contact us by private message, by email or in our adoption center Centrul Iubirrre
Apel disperat!
Dragi prieteni, acum avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru mai mult decat oricand. La sfarsit de an suntem coplesiti de datorii de 12565 lei (la 1 octombrie 2015) la cabinetele veterinare cu care lucram: Praxis Vet, dr. Irina Corbu, Radius Vet, Turbovet, Onevet, AnaVet, Doctor's Vet Univers si inca cateva cabinete la care am mers ocazional. Aceste cheltuieli reprezinta tratamente, investigatii medicale, internare, interventii chirurgicale, asistenta, medicatie pentru cateii pe care ii avem sau i-am avut in grija. Pe toti ii cunoasteti de aici, le stiti povestile: Anastasia, Star, Casper, Lucy, Lassie, Ariel, Pepsi, Cola, Crispy, Babette, Sharpeiuta, Negrut, cei 6 puiuti de o luna luati de la hingheri dupa ce mama lor a fost omorata, cele doua surori salvate de pe linia ferata, cateii adunati in campania de sterilizari Buzau, pisicile din scorbura si multi altii... Unii dintre ei sunt in continuare internati, avand nevoie de ingrijiri medicale. Unii au fost adoptati. Iar din nefericire unii au plecat departe de noi, intr-o lume mai buna.
In acest moment suntem in imposibilitatea de a mai lua in grija alte animale, de a le duce la cabinete, pana nu achitam datoriile.
Cheltuielile nu se opresc aici, pentru ca avem costurile lunare necesare ingrijirii cateilor din centrul de adoptie: chirie, salarii, utilitati.
In acest moment nu mai facem fata acestor cheltuieli si va cerem cu disperare ajutorul. Orice donatie conteaza, de asemenea, daca stiti firme care doresc sa faca o sponsorizare sau directionare din impozitul pe venit, orice ajutor este nepretuit. Daca doriti, puteti sa ne ajutati organizand evenimente de strangere de fonduri, ideile si ajutorul practic sunt binevenite.
Donatiile pot fi facute direct la cabinetele de mai sus, cu mentiunea pentru achitare datorii animale Red Panda, si rugamintea sa ne anuntati si pe noi. Sau in contul asociatiei, cu mentiunea pentru cheltuieli medicale.
Asociatia Red Panda, CIF:29856924
IBAN: RO72 PIRB 4237 7350 1300 1000 Piraeus Bank
Va multumim din suflet si va rugam sa ne ajutati sa depasim acest moment, sa putem ajuta in continuare cat mai multi catei si cat mai multe pisici sa ajunga acasa, sanatoase si vesele.
Va stam la dispozitie pentru orice detalii pe, mesaj privat sau la Centrul Iubirrre
Dear friends, we need your help now more than ever! at the end of this year we are overwhelmed with debts at the veterinary practices that we work with. In total we owe 2840 euro (12565 lei) to: Praxis Vet, dr. Irina Corbu, Radius Vet, Turbovet, Onevet, AnaVet, Doctor's Vet Univers and a few other vets that we just go occasionally. These costs represent treatments, medical investigations, hospitalization, surgeries, medical assistance and care, medication for the animals in our care. You know them all from this page, you know their stories: Anastasia, Star, Casper, Lucy, Lassie, Ariel, Pepsi, Cola, Crispy, Babette, Sharpeiuta, Negrut, the 6 puppies taken by dog catchers as they were only 1 month old, the two sisters rescued from the train station, dogs rescued in Buzau spay campaign, the cats in the tree... Some of them are still with us, some of them are healed but some still need medical care. Some were adopted, while unfortunately some left this world...
At this moment we simply cannot take any more dogs or cats in our care, we cannot bring them to the vet, till we manage to pay our debts.
The costs do not stop here, because we also have monthly costs necessary for taking care of the dogs in the adoption center: rent, people, utilities.
The expenses are too much for us and we cannot handle them anymore, that is why we desperately ask for your help! Any donation counts, any small gesture, any help is huge. If you know companies that would like to sponsor, or if you can help us organize a fundraising event, we depend on you!
Donations can be done directly to the vet practices mentioned above, with note "For Red Panda animals", but please let us know also.
Or you can donate in the Red Panda bank account, with the note for medical expenses.
Asociatia Red Panda, CIF:29856924
IBAN: RO72 PIRB 4237 7350 1300 1000 Piraeus Bank
We are grateful and we thank you for your help, please help us get through this tough moment, so that we can keep on helping as many dogs and cats as possible to have a happy life.
We are here for you for any details, you can contact us by private message, by email or in our adoption center Centrul Iubirrre
Apel disperat!
Dragi prieteni, acum avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru mai mult decat oricand. La sfarsit de an suntem coplesiti de datorii de 12565 lei (la 1 octombrie 2015) la cabinetele veterinare cu care lucram: Praxis Vet, dr. Irina Corbu, Radius Vet, Turbovet, Onevet, AnaVet, Doctor's Vet Univers si inca cateva cabinete la care am mers ocazional. Aceste cheltuieli reprezinta tratamente, investigatii medicale, internare, interventii chirurgicale, asistenta, medicatie pentru cateii pe care ii avem sau i-am avut in grija. Pe toti ii cunoasteti de aici, le stiti povestile: Anastasia, Star, Casper, Lucy, Lassie, Ariel, Pepsi, Cola, Crispy, Babette, Sharpeiuta, Negrut, cei 6 puiuti de o luna luati de la hingheri dupa ce mama lor a fost omorata, cele doua surori salvate de pe linia ferata, cateii adunati in campania de sterilizari Buzau, pisicile din scorbura si multi altii... Unii dintre ei sunt in continuare internati, avand nevoie de ingrijiri medicale. Unii au fost adoptati. Iar din nefericire unii au plecat departe de noi, intr-o lume mai buna.
In acest moment suntem in imposibilitatea de a mai lua in grija alte animale, de a le duce la cabinete, pana nu achitam datoriile.
Cheltuielile nu se opresc aici, pentru ca avem costurile lunare necesare ingrijirii cateilor din centrul de adoptie: chirie, salarii, utilitati.
In acest moment nu mai facem fata acestor cheltuieli si va cerem cu disperare ajutorul. Orice donatie conteaza, de asemenea, daca stiti firme care doresc sa faca o sponsorizare sau directionare din impozitul pe venit, orice ajutor este nepretuit. Daca doriti, puteti sa ne ajutati organizand evenimente de strangere de fonduri, ideile si ajutorul practic sunt binevenite.
Donatiile pot fi facute direct la cabinetele de mai sus, cu mentiunea pentru achitare datorii animale Red Panda, si rugamintea sa ne anuntati si pe noi. Sau in contul asociatiei, cu mentiunea pentru cheltuieli medicale.
Asociatia Red Panda, CIF:29856924
IBAN: RO72 PIRB 4237 7350 1300 1000 Piraeus Bank
Va multumim din suflet si va rugam sa ne ajutati sa depasim acest moment, sa putem ajuta in continuare cat mai multi catei si cat mai multe pisici sa ajunga acasa, sanatoase si vesele.
Va stam la dispozitie pentru orice detalii pe, mesaj privat sau la Centrul Iubirrre
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