marți, 9 aprilie 2013

alt catel salvat de GIA

Kuki este o catelusa de aprox. 7 ani, aflata in curtea unei doamne care are mai multi catei salvati de pe strada si care din pacate nu are posibilitati financiare. Kuki fost lovita de masina acum mai bine de o luna, a fost grav ranita, insa stapana sa nu a avut cum sa o duca la un medic, prin urmare catelusa a stat cu fractura deschisa in tot acest timp, fractura s-a cangrenat si este suspecta de septicemie si insuficienta renala din cauza infectiei. Ieri seara am aflat despre acest caz si in aceasta dimineata am dus-o la medic, se afla acum internata la Praxis Vetlife. Catelusa este in stare critica. Are nevoie de tratament intensiv pentru stabilizare si pentru infectie pentru a putea rezista la interventia chirurgicala care este necesara. Din pacate sunt sanse mici ca piciorul sa poata fi salvat insa aproape ca nu mai conteaza, important este ca starea generala sa se amelioreze si sa se poata interveni chirurgical.

Dupa cum bine stiti, avem nevoie de ajutorul vostru pentru a putea suporta costurile tratamentului si internarii lui Kuki, care sunt de minim 50 lei/zi plus analize, radiografii, operatie, etc. Daca doriti sa ne dati o mana de ajutor pentru Kuki, puteti face donatii in conturile de mai jos sau direct la cabinetul Praxis Vetlife unde este internata.
Banca Transilvania - Sucursala Marriott
IBAN RON: RO69 BTRL 0640 1205 E803 48XX
IBAN EUR: RO44 BTRL 0640 4205 E803 48XX

Va multumim si multumim din suflet Praxis Vetlife care niciodata nu refuza sa ne ajute animalele cu toate ca stam prost la capitolul platilor datoriilor!.

Kuki is a dog of approximately 7 years old, living in the yard of a lady who has more dogs saved from the street and who unfortunately doesn’t have financial possibilities. Kuki was hit by a car more than a month ago, she was badly injured, but her owner didn’t have the possibility to take her to the vet and so she remained with an open fracture all this time, it got gangrened and she’s suspect of septicemia and renal insufficiency because of the infection. We found out about this case last night and in the morning we took her to the vet, she’s now admitted at Praxis Vetlife. She’s in critical condition. She needs intensive treatment to stabilize her and for the infection in order to be able to resist at the following necessary surgical intervention. Unfortunately there are small chances for the leg to be saved but it almost doesn’t matter, important is that her general condition to improve and make possible a surgery.

As you well know, we need your help in order to be able to cover the costs with Kuki’s treatment and admission, which are of minimum 50 lei/day plus blood tests, x-ray, surgery etc. If you wish to give us a helping hand for Kuki, you can donate into the following accounts and at Praxis Vetlife clinic where she is now.
Transilvania Bank – Marriott Branch
IBAN RON: RO69 BTRL 0640 1205 E803 48XX
IBAN EUR: RO44 BTRL 0640 4205 E803 48XX

We thank you and we thank from our souls to Praxis Vetlife which never refuses to help our animals although we stand badly at debts payment chapter!

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