vineri, 7 iunie 2013

program interesant
esiunea de sedinte pentru interpretarea viselor din timpul noptii are loc in grupuri restranse de 3-5 persoane, in cadrul carora fiecare vis al fiecarui participant este analizat.

O sesiune completa consta in 3 sedinte a cate 1,5 ore, marti, intre 19:00 - 20:30. Prima sesiune incepe pe 11 iunie.

Intreaga sesiune se va achita la inceputul primei sedinte, participantii fiind sfatuiti sa participe la intreaga serie. Costul unei serii intregi de 3 sedinte este de 135 ron.

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Acest serviciu este subscris proiectului "Learn and care!", o parte din veniturile obtinute fiind donate animalelor abandonate.

Vise frumoase!

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Programul "Learn and care" este o alta modalitate de a crea AWARENESS prin care TU poti ajuta animalele in suferinta abonandu-te la unul din serviciile de mai jos sau dand share anunturilor de adoptii de pe Witty Pets: - cursuri de limba engleza/romana pentru straini - Bucuresti - cursuri de limba engleza on-line - sedinte la psiholog sau psihoterapeut, sedinte de autodezvoltare - work-shop-uri de comunicare, managementul conflictului, body-language Anul trecut acest program a adus mai bine de 1,000 de euro donatii in bani pentru sufletele suferinde din Bucuresti si imprejurimi. Eng_____________________________________________________ Learn and care! is a donation, awareness project initiated by Witty pets and sustained by Please subscribe to any of the services below and a consistent part of the income shall be DONATED TO THE ANIMALS IN NEED! This program brought last year more than 1,000 euro for the animals in need. ♥ Please share the Witty Pets anouncemens - see each photo description as detailed testimony. BRIEF: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ENGLISH COURSES / ROMANIAN COURSES COMMUNICATION WORKSHOPS PHYCHOLOGICAL SELF DEVELOPMENT AND SELF GROWTH COURSES ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥ to help you and stray animals.♥ DETAILED: 1.On-line and face to face ENGLISH COURSES - wherever there is an internet connection or for Bucharest and vicinities for the face to face method. Personalised courses to meet your learning needs. Both writing and speaking. On-line teacher at your disposal 24/7. On-line ROMANIAN COURSES to help you in your holiday travels or an in-depth understanding of Romanian, you have an on-line teacher just for you. 2. COMUNICATION WORKSHOPS that take place in Bucharest and vicinities to help you acquire valuable information on human communication and make you a better speaker. A playful atmosphere accompanies your role-playing in better understanding the notions you shall learn and further use at your working-place or in your daily life. 3. PHYCHOLOGICAL SELF DEVELOPMENT AND SELF GROWTH COURSES that helps you see who you really want and what makes you deeply fulfilled Full assistance in your personal endeavour. ALL ABOVE share a consistent percentage with animal protection activists here on fb to help stray animals get a warm and friendly place called "home". PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PAGE and WATCH OUR PHOTO ALBUMS for testimonies. For any supplimentary details, for subscribing or donating please feel free to write me at

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