vineri, 25 aprilie 2014

cine poate suporta costurile infiltratiilor 30 ron per sedinta pt pisicuta Gargarita muscata de catei

Ajutati-o pe Gargarita, pisicuta muscata de caini! Bitten by dogs, Ladybug needs your help! (Bucharest)
Update 24.04: Eugenia: am facut azi prima infiltratie, am invatat si cum sa-i fac masaj la picioare,am luat si vitamine si avem si certitudinea ca o sa se faca bine. Va rugam sa ne ajutati, nu stiu de cate infiltratii are nevoie, dar pot sa va spun ca o infiltratie costa 30 rog sa ma ajutati sa o fac bine!
Gargarita, pisicuta salvata din gura a trei caini de Eugenia Comiza, cu o fractura minora la coloana, nu isi poate folosi labutele din spate, dar are sanse mari sa se recupereze. Eugenia o ingrijeste, o spala zilnic, intrucat nu poate folosi litiera. Eugenia este un om minunat, care face tot ce poate pentu ca acest sufletel sa se faca bine, pentru a putea avea si ea o sansa la o viata frumoasa. Stim ca in starea in care se afla acum nu are sanse de adoptie, si de aceea ea are nevoie de infiltratii, pentru a se recupera mai repede si a nu i se atrofia muschii. O singura infiltratie costa 30 lei, iar Eugenia nu are nici cea mai mica posibilitate sa achite.
Gargarita este „fenomenala”, cum spune Eugenia, a reusit sa treaca peste socul vietii ei, este o iubareata si o torcacioasa, este blanda, vorbareata si mamoasa, are toate „calitatile” pisicesti.
Acum are nevoie de oameni cu suflet mare si cu posibilitatea sa o ajute sa isi revina.
Eugenia insista sa o vada pe picioarele ei, nu vrea sa renunte cu nici un chip, asa cum spune chiar ea: „ am sa o sterg eu in continuare la popou si fac apel la voi toti sa o ajutati sa se faca bine; am sa ma duc cu ea personal la cabinet pentru infiltratii, va rog sa ma ajutati, o spun din tot sufletul meu, va promit ca am sa lupt pentru ea cat pot, chiar daca va trebui sa o iau pe jos din Clinceni pana in Bucuresti; daca nu o fac bine, nu are sanse sa fie adoptata”.
Eugenia nu vrea sa renunte, pentru ca o doare sufletul, a salvat-o si acum se uita neputincioasa cum se chinuie, este peste puterile ei sa o mai ajute.
Va rog, haideti sa ajutam aceste doua suflete minunate care sufera impreuna, haideti sa nu le lasam sa renunte! Va rugam, nu ramaneti indiferenti, noi suntem singura ei sansa la o viata normala! Daca nu puteti, distribuiti la prieteni, va rog, trebuie sa fie cineva care o poate ajuta!
Contul Eugeniei: RO61INGB0000999903851004 (Petcu Nicolae)
Update 24.04: Eugenia: today we went to the clinic for the first infiltration, the vet showed me how to massage her legs and we bought vitamins; we are sure that she is going to be ok; please, help us, we don't know yet how many infiltrations does she need; please, help me help her!
Ladybug was saved by Eugenia Comiza on April 14th, just when she was about to be torn by 3 dogs. She had an x-ray, which showed that she has a minor spinal fracture. For the moment, she can't move her back legs, but the doctor says that she will, but it will take a little time. Eugenia takes good care of her, she wipes her daily, because she can’t use the litter box, she’s a great woman, who does everything she can for this little soul to get better, to have a chance for a normal life. We know that in this situation her chances for an adoption are practically none and that’s why she needs spinal infiltrations, which are about 7 euros/infiltration. Unfortunately, Eugenia can't afford the financial costs. She is a kind woman, but she is unemployed and has an ill newborn grandson, so, you can see how the situation is and why we desperately need your help. Ladybug is a „phenomenal” kittie, like Eugenia says, she is very loving, purring, talkative kittie, she's everything you'd expect from a cat. Now she needs a kind-hearted human soul to help her. Eugenia insists to help her, she doesn’t want to give up on her, like she says: „I will keep wiping her and I need you to help her recover; I will personally go to the vet for the infiltrations, but please help me, from the bottom of my heart, I promise you I will fight for her as long as I can, even if it means I should walk from Clinceni to the clinic in Bucharest; if I won’t get her well, she won’t have any chance for adoption”. Eugenia doesn’t want to give up, because she saved her and now she’s looking helpless at Ladybug. Please, let’s help these two wonderful souls who are suffering together, let’s not let them give up! Please, don’t be indifferent, you are her only chance for a normal life! She wants so much to live that it hurts, because we can't help her enough. So, please, share her story, maybe there's someone out there who can offer her a second chance! Thank you, dear friends!

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