joi, 14 august 2014

pt sanatatea Luanei

Luana ( Udrescu Ana-Lucia). My best friend and the best friend of many. The most wonderful person I know, the most selfless, kind and compassionate human being I know. She is a wonderful vet that has dedicated all her time and put all her soul into helping animals in need, has participated in numerous stray animals' sterilization campaigns, volunteered for months to care for the wild horses in the Danube Delta and helped hundreds of animals in need without ever asking for compensation. At not even 27 years old (her birthday will be in a few days) she was involved in a horrible accident that caused her 2nd and 3rd degree burns on apx.90% of her body. This is a prognostic that in Europe is known to have 0% or 0,1% survival rate - if proper treatment, surgeries and sterile environment is provided. Nevertheless, after spending 3 days in induced coma, helped to breathe by machines, she has shown the doctors that she is one of the 0,1% fighters. She started breathing on her own and gained full consciousness, which the doctors in Romania and not only considered to be a miracle. But miracles do happen!! And if anyone would need and be worthy of such miracles, that person is HER! In order for that miracle to happen, she needs to be transferred to a hospital with great doctors specialized in burns and that also has a sterile room, which will reduce considerably the risk of infections - the number 1 cause of deaths in such cases. Family and friends have managed to get in contact with the clinics abroad that can provide the best care and the sterile room she needs in order to survive and they have arranged everything in order for her to be transferred to the AKH hospital in Vienna. Unfortunately her medical insurance in Romania does not cover her medical bills abroad. This is why she needs our help now! Every single hour is critical for her life! As you know, any small amount counts tremendously, and every share as well. For those that wish to help, with as little as possible, here is the bank details and paypal of her fiancee, agreed to be used together with the family: For LEI - RO 16 RZBR 0000060013239441, for EURO - RO 23 RZBR 0000060016987395 holder Rosu Ovidiu, Raiffeisen Bank. Swift code: RZBRROBU or BIC code: RZBR. paypal: Please help her survive and help more animals and touch more humans as she touched us!!

Sa nu uitam ca un OM BUN SI FRUMOS are nevoie de ajutor!
Important pt cei care vor si pot ajuta!
Ca update la starea Luanei postez mai jos ce a scris Ovidiu:"
"Am ajuns cu bine aseara la spitalul AKH Viena. Luana a fost cat se poate de linistita, lucida si optimista. Tot transportul a fost extrem de profesionist organizat. Starea ei a fost evaluata de medici imediat ce a intrat in spital. Acestia sunt pragmatici si rezervati, procentele fiind in continuare foarte mici dar nu au eliminat sansa unei recuperari. In aceasta dimineata este programata o prima operatie. Daca totul decurge cum se doreste vom putea vorbi din nou cu ea peste cateva zile.
Multumim cu aceasta ocazie tuturor celor care au ajutat cat de putin, de la donat sange, la bani sau ganduri bune.
De asemenea vreau sa multumesc colectivului Spitalului de Arsi Grivita Bucuresti,in frunte cu dl. dr. Stancioiu si dl. dr. Stanculea care au fost extrem de profesionisti si plini de compasiune, au reusit sa o stabilizele pe Luana si ne-au sustinut permanent in luarea celor mai bune decizii.
Drumul este lung si este nevoie de toata sustinerea noastra.
Multumesc in numele Luanei.

We arrived well last evening at AKH Hospital in Vienna. Luana was as calm, lucid and optimist as she can be. All the steps of the transport were extremely well organised. Her medical status was evaluated by the doctors immediately upon arrival. Their prognosis is guarded, the chances are still very small but they did not exclude a recovery. This morning a first operation is scheduled. If everything goes well we might be able to talk with her again in a couple of days.
We thank everybody that helped with donating blood, money or even a good thought.
I also want to tank Spitalul de Arsi Grivita staff, especially dr. Stancioiu si dr. Stanculea who were extremely professional and compassionate, managed to stabilise Luana and helped us in taking the best decisions.
This path is long and requires all our devotion.
Thank you in the name of Luana.

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