marți, 7 octombrie 2014

apelul Jurnalului unui voluntar 4 paws


 Acum cateva zile, faceam un apel pentru chirie, si speram sa acoperim o parte din ea, cu ajutorul evenimentului Shop 4 Paws, care a avut loc in week-end.
Din pacate, nu ne-a iesit.
Ne-a ajutat sa ne inchidem datoria catre Hemopet, caci de la ei ne-am achizitionat vaccinurile "pe caiet" pentru toti cei 36 de catei, si tot ei ne-au ajutat si cu tratament de parvo si analize de Chad bolnavior. Nu ne mai puteau astepta, pentru ca si ei au furnizori, asa ca banutii au fost directionati acolo. Acum suntem pe 0, cel putin, in ce-i priveste.
Este un plus mare, pentru ca nu ne vedeam la liman in valtoarea cheltuielior zilnice. Mai avem doar doua clinici, dar sumele sunt un pic mai mici, si am decis sa le luam pe rand, altfel ne-am sufoca.
Asadar, MULTUMIM Eroii Eroilor (a se citi echipa Hemopet) pentru intelegere, rabdare, si ajutor.
Am reusit si sa ne achitam materia prima pentru delicatesele oferite la eveniment, dar atat.
Chiria ramane pe lista de urgenta, pentru ca mai avem de achitat 710 lei, cat mai repede.
Suntem recunoscatori pentru orice fel de ajutor: donatie sau promovare.
Multumim ca ne sunteti aproape in fiecare zi, asa cum poate fiecare .

A few days ago, we made a call-out for rent and we were hoping to cover part of it, by having the Shop 4 Paws event, which took place over the weekend.
Unfortunately, we did not gain as much as needed.
The event has helped us close the debt we had at Hemopet - they have helped us buy the vaccines for all the 36 dogs, and also helped us with parvovirus treatment for Rada and tests for Chad. We could not wait anymore, as they also have providers who needed to be paid, therefore the money have been directed there. Now we are back to zero, at least, in what concerns one vet bill.
It is a big achievement, as we thought we will not be able to cover the bill due to the daily expenses that eat most of the money. We only have two more clinics to pay, but the amounts are smaller, and we decided to take them on one by one, otherwise we suffocate.
So THANK Heroes of the Heroes (The Team Hemopet) for understanding, for your patience, and help.
Rent is next on the emergency list, because we still have to pay 710 RON quickly.
We are grateful for any help: Donation or Sharing.
Thank you for being on our side day by day, as best as each of you can .

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