joi, 29 ianuarie 2015


Ajutooor!!! Ajutati-ne financiar sa finalizam adapostul de la Golesti ca sa putem duce cei peste 200 de caini din adapostul de pe Tisa acolo.
Am primit ultimatum ca in trei zile Primaria vine cu hingherii si buldozerele sa ne ia pe sus.

Din pacate, pe strada Tisei, Focsani ( unde suntem acum nu mai avem autorizatie de functionare de mult timp, iar pe terenul ( atribuit de primarie in iunie anul trecut nu am reusit sa definitivam adapostul ca am ramas fara finante. Din nefericire, cineva din asociatie a semnat sub presiune o minuta cu Primaria din care reiese ca daca nu terminam adapostul pana in decembrie 2014, acesta ne va fi luat de catre Primaria Focsani. Mentionam ca nici autorizarea pentru constructie nu am obtinut-o pentru ca nu am primit doua avize (cel de la CFR si mediu; mentionam ca desi ecarisajul primariei este exact in aceeasi zona, pentru acesta primaria nu a scos avize CFR si mediu; nu am inteles de ce noua ni s-a impus sa avem si aceste avize).

Mai jos sunt trecute nevoile noastre si valoarea alaturi. 1) Tabla acoperis pentru 23 tarcuri + 1 magazie+WC = 24 x 25 mp = 600 mp x 15 lei/mp (oferta valabila pana la 10.02.2015, in limita stocului) – 9000 roni/2045 euro;
2) 30 mp de beton pentru betonarea tarcurilor, santului de drenare, platformei de la intrare = 248 roni = 7440 roni/1690 euro;
3) Lucrari de bransare la energie electrica:
- daca primaria aproba sa ne bransam la stalpul lor – costa 2500 roni/568 euro;
- daca primaria nu aproba bransarea la stalpul lor, cel mai apropiat punct ne va costa 5000 roni/1136 euro;
4) Tarcuri din OSB – 23 x 12 OSB = 276 buc x 41 roni = 11316 roni/2571euro;
5) Custi (a patru locuri) din OSB, neinzolate – 50 bucati x 200 roni = 10000 roni/2272 euro;
Aici am realizat 36 bucati pana acum.

Conturile noastre:
Euro: RO12RNCB0303119413790001 Swift code : RNCB RO BU
Ron: RO86BTRL04001201B94698XX
Paypal: asociatiaprieteniianimalel

Nu mai este timp sa stam pe FB ca sa raspundem/ascultam idei.
Las numerele de telefon: 0723456552, 0734361601, 0741091437, 0723386151, 0767981390, 0237620843
Help please!!! We need financial aid in order to finish the shelter in Golesti: (

Help please!!! The shelter received a three days ultimatum. The local authorities will come with the dogcatchers and the bulldozers to take our dogs and bring them to the deathcamp and to destroy the kennels in our shelter.
Unfortunately, at Tisa Shelter, Focsani we have no authorization now ( and the new shelter (at Golesti) is not finished as we ran out of money: ( Here the land was assigned by the mayor in June last year. Unfortunately, someone from our association signed an act (pressed by authorities) which shows that if the shelter is not finished until December 2014, the land will be taken by the City Focsani. Please note that we have no authorization for construction as we have not got two notices/authorizations (the Railway & Environmental authorizations; we mention that although neutralization mayor hall is exactly in the same area, no one has asked it the same authorizations).

In order to finish the new shelter we need: 1) Metal Roofing for 23 pens + 1 storehouse + toilet = 24 x 25 = 600 sqm x 15 roni / (offer valid until 10.02.2015, depending of the stock) - 9000 roni/2045 euro;
2) 30 cubic meter of concrete pens, drainage ditch, entrance platform x 248 roni = 7440 roni/1690 euro;
3) Work on plugging the power:
- If the city mayor approves a direct connection - it costs 2,500 roni/568 euro;
- If the mayor does not approve the column branching their closest point will cost us 5000 roni/1136 euro.
4) OSB for pens and storage+toilet 23 + 1 = 24 x 12 = 288 pcs OSB x 41roni = 11801 roni/2571euro;
5) Cages (for four dogs) of OSB, not insulated - 50 pieces x 200 = 10000 roni/2272 euro;
Here we already made 36 pieces so far.

Phone numbers/only Romanian language: 0723456552, 0734361601, 0741091437, 0723386151, 0767981390, 0237620843.

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