sâmbătă, 7 februarie 2015

apelul disperat al voluntarilor Robi

CONTACT : asociatia.robi@gmail.com
In caz ca va intrebati cum ne descurcam, trebuie sa va spunem cu sinceritate ca am ajuns la capatul puterilor. Dragostea si respectul fata de animale, dorinta noastra de a salva de la crunta soarta cat mai multe animale abandonate ne-a secatuit de resurse si de puterea de a merge mai departe. In ultima vreme cu parere de rau am spus NU majoritatii solicitarilor de ajutor. Si asta nu pentru ca nu mai vrem sa ne implicam ci pentru ca nu mai avem cu ce sa salvam, tratam, gazduim, hranim etc alte animale in afara celor pe care le avem deja.
Datoriile noastre catre cabinete pentru nenumaratele cazuri de animale cu probleme de sanatate sunt in jur de 15 000 lei, intretinerea celor peste 300 de caini si 60 de pisici este extrem de costisitoare si de multe ori avem cosmaruri gandindu-ne ce le vom mai da maine de mancare. De cateva luni numarul animalelor luate de noi a crescut mai mult decat puterea noastra de a-i intretine si asta ne aduce in pragul disperarii. Practic suntem nevoiti sa intoarcem capul si sa ne prefacem ca nu vedem animale aflate in nevoie de ajutor si asta-i cumplit de trist.
Nu ne sta in fire sa ne plangem dar trebuie sa va spunem toate acestea ca sa ne iertati daca nu va mai putem ajuta.
In caz ca doriti sa ne ajutati sa depasim acesta criza va reamintim conturile in care puteti dona :
Asociatia pentru protectia animalelor Robi
CIF 13765439
Banca : BCR 2
Cont RON : RO16RNCB0073049952070001
Cont EURO: RO05RNCB0073049952070005
Cont USD : RO32RNCB0073049952070004
sau prin serviciul online PayPal (disponibil pewww.4animals.ro )
O alta modalitate de a ne ajuta o constituie sponsorizarea in cazul societatilor comerciale care sunt platitoare de impozit pe profit.
20% din impozitul pe profit datorat in limita a trei la mie din cifra de afaceri pot constitui sponsorizare catre un ONG. Suma respectiva se scade dim impozitul datorat.

Va multumim inca o data pentru ajutorul dat animalutelor de care ne ocupam.
If you were wondering how are we doing, we have to admit we need help. Our love for animals and our wish to help as many as possible has drain all of our resources and the capacity to move on. Lately we find ourselves in the horrible situation of saying ”NO” to many of those who have asked for our help. This has happened not because we refuse to get involved but because we do not have resources to save, treat, house and feed other little souls then the ones we already have.
Our debt to many veterinary clinics for services to animals with health problems, sums 15.000 lei (3.300 Euro). Also, caring for 300 dogs and 60 cats is really expensive and many times we have nightmares thinking how will we provide food and care for them and what tomorrow will bring.
Within the last months, the number of animals we had to rescue outgrown our ability to care for them and this is heartbreaking.
It hurts to turn our heads and pretend we do not see all these innocent animals who need our help.
It isn''t in our nature to pity ourselves but you must know why we might not be able to offer our help sometimes.
If you wish to help us overcome this crisis, you can always donate at:
Bank account owner:
Robi Association for Animal Rescue
CIF: 13765439
Branck bank: BCR 2
RON accont: RO16RNCB0073049952070001
EURO account: RO05RNCB0073049952070005
USD account: RO32RNCB0073049952070004
Or, by PayPal (available at www.4animals.ro)
Other ways to help include Corporate Sponsorship- according to Romanian law, 20% of tax profit (the donation value cannot exceed to the amount of 3.000 lei) can be donated to an non-governmental organization and this amount will be taken out of the tax profit payable value.
Thank you for all your help to the animals we attend.

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