duminică, 13 septembrie 2015

poate cineva ajuta?

M-am nascut la data de 12 Iulie 1959 in orasul Tarnaveni jud Mures din Romania.
In anul 1970 ne-am mutat in judetul Buzau unde am terminat scoala de educatoare in anul 1978.Mama mea este batrana si bolnava si locuieste departe de mine,tata nu mai am demult iar singurul meu frate este grav bolnav psihic. Actualmente
lucrez ca educatoare la Scoala nr 3 din Rimnicul Sarat.Cu salariul lunar in valoare de 1100 RON nu mi-am putut permite sa cumpar o casa, asa ca am facut imprumuturi la 4 banci in anul 2007.Am avut marea nefericire de a mi se fura banii. Politia n-a facut nimic pentru ca au luat spaga.Acum sunt datoare la banci in valoare de 1 miliard de lei vechi si abia pot sa platesc dobanzile. Nu am locuinta,locuiesc pe la diversi oameni ,ma spal pe unde apuc.Haine si incaltaminte primesc de pomana de multi ani. Din 2006,cand stateam cu chirie la o casa am gasit pe strada niste catelusi lasati in zapada si de mila i-am luat in speranta ca le voi gasi un stapan.In decursul anilor s-au inmultit iar in prezent sunt 21 de adulti si 26 de pui carora nu pot sa le asigur hrana si chiar cu apa am probleme pentru ca o aduc de la mare distanta.Stapan nu le-am gasit,in schimb mi-au tot murit din cauza conditiilor
nefavorabile lipsa hranei si a tratamentelor.Din anul 2009 locuiesc intr-o daramatura de casa din localitatea Murgesti,judetul Buzau.Vara dorm pe iarba pentru ca zidurile stau sa cada.Cateii traiesc in niste conditii groaznice,eu neavand de unde sa le mai
procur hrana.De multe ori mananca si la 2-3 zile o data . Ma descurc foarte,foarte greu si din cauza dinstantei mari,pentru ca lucrez la 20 de km de locul unde se afla ei .
Oamenii prin partile acestea sunt neintelegatori si chiar mi-au omorat prin diferite metode multi caini.Nu am nici gard,ei sunt legati de pomi . Acolo-i ninge,acolo-i ploua si asteapta sa le dau o mana de mancare.Din cauza lor mi-am facut multi dusmani chiar
si la locul de munca,unde sunt acuzata ca am ajuns in aceasta situatie grea.Am fost batuta,umilita, huiduita si dispretuita.Ati putea sa ma ajutati intr-un fel cu adoptia acestor animale nevinovate? Ma uit in ochii lor si ei ma inteleg mai mult decat oamenii.
Nu pot sa-i abandonez pentru ca prea mult m-am legat suleteste de ei si ei de mine.In speranta ca vom gasi o solutie pentru ei, ma rog ca Dumnezeu sa va ajute in tot ceea ce faceti.Pentru a va face o idee despre aceasta situatie am facut cateva poze si filmari pe care le-am distribuit pe Facebook.
Va multumesc din suflet,
Liliana Anita.
I was born on July 12 1959 in the Tarnaveni city, Mures county from Romania. In 1970 I moved to Buzau county to study and in 1978 I got a degree as a teacher. My mother is old and sick and lives far away from me, my father died a long time ago and my only brother has a serious mental illness. Now I’m working as a teacher at School nb. 3 in Rimnicu Sarat. With a monthly salary of 181 pounds I could not afford buying a house so I made 4 loans to different banks in 2007. Unfortunately my money got stolen. The policemen we’re bribed, so they did nothing. Now I owe approximately 19500 pounds to these banks and I can barely afford paying the interest. I have no place to live, I go wherever people welcome me and, take baths where I get a chance. My only clothes are the ones I receive from charity.
Starting from 2006, when I was renting a room in someones house I took some puppies in my care in the hope I would find a suitable owner for them. During the years they have bred and are now 21 adult dogs and 26 puppies for which I cannot provide food and even water is hard to get as I have to carry it from far away. I was not able to find anyone willing to take care of them and they started dying from malnutrition and lack of treatment. From 2009 I live in a wrecked house in Murgesti city, Buzau county. In the summer I sleep outside on the grass from fear that the walls would collapse. The puppies live in horrible conditions as I cannot provide food to them anymore. Some times they stay 2 - 3 days without eating. It’s hard for me also because my workplace 20 km away from this house. People from the area don’t understand my situation and they even killed many of my puppies through different methods. I have no fence and they are tied to trees. They always stay outside even if it rains or snows waiting for someone to bring them food. Because of them I made many enemies even at my workplace, where I am accused that because of them I ended in this situation. I have been beaten, humiliated, cursed and despised. Could you, please, help me in any way to find an owner for these innocent animals? I look in their eyes and feel that they understand me more than any human. I can’t abandon them because I love them too much. I hope that you’ll find a solution for them. I pray that God help you in all your endeavours. I've made a few photos to better understand my situation.
Thank you, Liliana Anita.

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