joi, 25 august 2016

bijuterii by Nil in beneficiul GIA

GIA - Group Initiative for Animals a adăugat 18 fotografii noi în albumul Bijuterii in folosul animalutelor / Jewelry for animal welfare.
Avand in vedere ca trecem printr-o perioada financiara grea si ca avem nevoie de orice ajutor, prietenii nostri de la NiL - Atelier de creatii lucrate manual ne-au venit in intampinare si de aceasta data.
Astfel, si-au oferit ajutorul si ne-au donat aceste bijuterii confectionate din pietre semipretioase, toti banii obtinuti in urma vanzarii acestora vor fi redirectionati catre asociatia noastra si in beneficiul animalutelor.

Asadar, pretul este de 50 RON/bratara, orice model, taxele de transport pentru Romania fiind incluse (predare personala in Bucuresti). Pentru strainatate, pretul este de 11 EUR/bratara, fara transport (solicitati c/val transportului inainte de comanda).
Coletul se va trimite prin posta romana ulterior confirmarii platii in contul asociatiei/paypal.
Fiecare model de bratara beneficieaza de o descriere astfel incat sa va faceti o idée de cum arata bijuteriile in realitate si astfel sa le puteti purta fara probleme. In momentul in care doriti sa achizitionati un produs, va rugam sa faceti un comentariu la poza produsului respectiv si acesta o sa fie rezervat pentru 2 zile, timp in care puteti efectua plata.
Plata produselor se efectueaza direct in contul asociatiei/paypal, in termen de 2 zile de la data comenzii (comentariu poza), astfel:
Banca Transilvania - Sucursala Marriott
IBAN RON: RO69 BTRL 0640 1205 E803 48XX
IBAN EUR: RO44 BTRL 0640 4205 E803 48XX
cu rugamintea sa specificati la detalii numarul bratarii.
Animalutele va multumesc pentru ajutor!
Va rugam, distribuiti!
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Given that we are going through a difficult financial period and we need all the help in the world, our friends from NiL - Atelier de creatii lucrate manual agree to help us this time also.
So, they offered their help and they donated these jewelry made of semiprecious stones, all money obtained from the sale will be redirected to our association and of the animals welfare.
The price is 50 RON/bracelet, any model, shipping fees included for Romania (personal delivery in Bucharest). For abroad, the price is 11 EURO / bracelet without transport (please ask about fees for international transport before the order). The package will be sent by post after the confirmation of the payment in association account/paypal.
Every bracelet has a description so you get an idea of how it looks in reality and so you can wear them. When you want to buy a product, please make a comment on the picture of the product and the bracelet will be reserved for 2 days, during which you can pay.
The payments must be made in association account/paypal, 2 days after the order (you post the comment about the product you want), thus:
Banca Transilvania - Sucursala Marriott
IBAN RON: RO69 BTRL 0640 1205 E803 48XX
IBAN EUR: RO44 BTRL 0640 4205 E803 48XX
with the request to specify at the details of the payment the number of bracelet.
Thank you for your help!
Please, share!

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