vineri, 23 decembrie 2016

In prag de sarbatori sa facem o fapta buna by Andra Dadau

Astazi am aflat de tragedia unei familii in care mama a 3 copilasi a pierdut lupta cu cancerul.
Nemilosi, cancerul si sistemul au lasat orfani de mama doi baieti cu varsta de 3 ani si jumatate si respectiv 11 ani si un ingeras de fetita de 2 ani si jumatate.
Tatal, rapus de durere, se reface incet, incet si cu ajutorul nasei de botez a reusit sa inscrie copiii la gradinita, chiar si pe cea mica, iar baiatul cel mare oricum mergea la scoala.
Situatia materiala insa este destul de precara, iar orice ajutor ar putea intari moralul familiei, creeand macar bucurii de moment. Cei mici inca nu au realizat pierderea in totalitate, dar simt lipsa mamei lor. Stau nedespartiti si ocazional se imbratiseaza si se pupa pe obraz. Din fericire vor fi primiti impreuna la gradinita cu program prelungit, iar tatal va putea continua sa lucreze.
Copiii ar avea nevoie de hainute, jucarii si rechizite. Cine le poate intinde o mana de ajutor?
Hainute de la copiii vostri ramase mici, dar care sa fie decente si purtabile. Jucarii noi sau vechi.
Cea mica poarta la picior nr 20, cel mic 25. Pentru baiatul de 11 ani rechizitele ar fi atat de bine venite. Stim prea bine cat costa cele necesare pentru scoala.
Am poze doar cu cei mici, care in prezent sunt in grija nasei lor de botez.
Tatal nu are un cont bancar personal, o sa-i pun la dispozitie contul meu bancar/paypal, in caz de cineva poate ajuta cu bani familia.
Pentru a strange eventualele pachete pentru cei mici, o sa stabilim telefonic sau prin mesaje cum putem proceda. Timpul si faptul ca nu am masina imi ingreuneaza deplasarea.
Ma puteti contacta la 0722.862.869
Pentru cei care vor sa faca donatii in lei (va rog cu specificarea Mos Craciun):
RO98INGB0000999903015362 - SWIFT: INGBROBU
Titular cont: Dadau Andreea

Today I found out of family tragedy, a mother of three little children lost her battle with cancer.
Ruthless, cancer and system have left motherless two boys aged 3 and a half years and 11 years, and a little angel girl of 2½ years.
Father full of pain, is recovering slowly but with help of baptismal godmother managed to enroll children in kindergarten, even the youngest, and eldest son went to school anyway.
But the financial situation is very precarious, and any help would strengthen family morale, creating small joys. The little ones have not yet fully realized their loss, but miss their mother. Staying inseparable and occasionally even hug and kiss on the cheek. Hopefully they will get together in kindergarten with extended hours, and his father will continue to work.
Children would need clothes, toys and school supplies. Who can give a helping hand?
Second hand clothes from your children, but decent and wearable. New or old toys.
The little girl size of the shoes is 20, the little boy 25. For the big brother (11 years old) supplies for school would be so welcome. We know too well how much this things cost.
I have pictures just with the little ones, which are now in the care of their baptismal godmother.
The father does not have a personal bank account, I will provide my bank account/PayPal, if someone can help with money.
To collect packages for children, need to establish how we proceed. You can contact me at 0722.862.869
For those who want to make donations in money (please, specifying Santa):
RO98INGB0000999903015362 - SWIFT: INGBROBU
Account holder: Dadau Andreea

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