vineri, 23 decembrie 2016

trista poveste a pisicontului Hornbach

Gabriela Nastase a adăugat 31 de fotografii noi în albumul HORNBACH.
English bellow
Update 22.decembrie 2016
Dupa 3 saptamani petrecute din nou in magazin (returnat vindecat, dupa ce nimeni nu l-a vrut), am trecut sa-l vizitam pe Hornbach... L-am gasit racit din nou, cu rani foarte urate si un prurit aproape continuu... Din cate am inteles, au existat cateva persoane interesate de el, dar care au dat inapoi cand au aflat ce boala duce cu el...
Fiindca nu aveam cum sa-l lasam asa, l-am luat si l-am internat din nou la Praxis Vetlife, unde este in prezent sub tratament. Ranile se vindeca pe zi ce trece, la fel si raceala lui. Hornbach are sansa de a pleca undeva in afara, la cineva care are in grija mai multe pisici, inclusiv cu FIV (virusul imunodeficientei feline), si care s-a oferit sa il adopte. Pana atunci insa, trebuie sa fie tratat, sa fie in stare sa calatoreasca, sa fie vaccinat si microcipat.
Va rugam sa nu treceti nepasatori pe langa cazul lui! Este un suflet care a suferit mult, iar acum are sansa unei vieti adevarate, poate pentru prima data in existenta lui de pana acum.
Datoria la cabinet pana in data de 20.12.2016 este de 610 lei, asa ca avem nevoie de ajutor!
Daca nu puteti dona, va rugam mult macar share-uiti-i povestea, astfel incat sa poata fi ajutat! Datele necesare se regasesc mai jos.
In numele lui Hornbach, va multumim!

After 3 weeks spent in the store again (returned cured after nobody wanted to adopt him... :( ) , we went to visit Hornbach ... We found it sneezing again, with very bad wounds and itching almost continuously .. . From what we understood, there were several people interested in him, but they backed down when they found out about his disease...
Because we could not leave him there in this state, we took him and I interned him again at Vetlife Praxis, where he is currently under treatment. The wounds are healing well, as well as his cold. Hornbach has a chance to go somewhere outside the country. Someone who takes care of several cats, including some with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, offered to adopt him. But until then, he must be treated, to be able to travel, to be vaccinated and chipped.
Please do not turn away your eyes from his story! He is a soul that has suffered enough, and who now has the chance of a real life, perhaps for the first time in its all existence so far.
The debts to the 'vet's office until the date of December 20 is about 140 euro, so we need your help!
If you can't donate, please share his story, so he could be helped!
Thank you!
Poarta numele magazinului unde l-am intalnit, impreuna cu prietena mea V, in urma cu o saptamana...
Abandonat probabil in zona, dupa ce a umblat o vreme prin magazin, pornind alarma in toiul noptii si punand lumea pe jar, "hotul" a fost intr-un final identificat, prins si instalat confortabil intr-o cusca, cu apa, mancare si cele trebuincioase, precum si un anunt de adoptie. A avut noroc de Oameni adevarati, care nu s-au descotorosit de el, aruncandu-l asa cum au facut-o altii, ci l-au hranit si ingrijit, sperand ca isi va gasi un camin printre clientii veniti la cumparaturi.
Cum insa motanelul era foarte racit, cu mari probleme de respiratie si nu numai, l-am luat cu noi si l-am internat la Praxis Vetlife, unde este inca in tratament. Din pacate, a iesit pozitiv la testul FIV...
HORNBACH este un motanel matur, cu una dintre cele mai triste priviri pe care le-am intalnit vreodata... In ciuda problemelor lui, este extrem de afectuos, torcacios si lipicios... un motanel cuminte, ideal pentru cineva care isi doreste un companion linistit si bun.
Din pacate, daca nu se va gasi o varianta pentru el, intr-o zi-doua se va intoarce la magazin, unde nu este nicicum un loc propice pentru un batranel cu problemele lui... Daca nu va avea un camin unde sa fie ingrijit si ferit de frig si alte pericole, problemele lui de sanatate vor reveni si starea i se va deteriora din nou, mai grav decat in prezent... Tot ce am "reparat" pana acum va fi in van...
Daca cineva isi doreste sa il ajute, o poate face si printr-o donatie la cabinetul Praxis Vetlife (cu specificatia "Pentru HORNBACH"), unde s-au adunat deja datorii pentru cazul lui (120 RON -testele + 60 RON /zi tratamente si cazare) dar si distribuindu-i povestea, in speranta ca ea va ajunge la sufletul acelui OM adevarat, care sa-i ofere caldura si dragostea unui Camin... Nu cere mult, dar il va rasplati inmiit pe cel care ii va oferi un locsor in casa si inima lui.
Pentru donatii:
IBAN: RO92OTPV 000 000 000 231 6835
We named him by the name of the store where me and my friend V met him, a week ago ...
Abandoned in the area, he was walking for a while through the store, starting the alarm during the night and putting the staff “on fire”, until one day when "the thief" was finally identified, caught and comfortably installed in a cage with food, water and all he needed and an announce for adoption. He was lucky enough to find real people who haven't thrown him as the others did, but who gave him food and cared for him, hoping that he will find a home among the customers who came shopping.
The tomcat was sick, with breathing difficulties, so we took him with us to the vet and he is now at Praxis Vetlife, still in treatment. Unfortunately, he is FIV positive...
HORNBACH is an adult tomcat, with one of the saddest eyes I've ever met ... Despite his problems, he is extremely affectionate... a great tomcat, ideal for someone who wants a quiet and very nice companion.
Unfortunately, if we couldn't find a solution for him, he will return to the store, which is by no means a good place for a cat with his problems ... If he doesn't find a home where he can be cared and protected from cold and other dangers, his health problems will return and his condition will deteriorate again, worse than now ... All we "repaired" so far will be in vain ...
Anyone who wants to help him, can make a donation to Praxis Vetlife (specification "For HORNBACH" - the costs are about13,5 Euro/day, the tests - 27 euros) and could share his story, hoping that it will reach the soul of a real Human, who can offer him the warmth of a home and a little bit of love ... He's not asking for much, but he will reward with his presence full of affection the one that will offer him a little place in his home and in his heart.
Thank you!
For donations:
IBAN: RO92OTPV 000 000 000 231 6835

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